iso2 HMEI

RS٢٣٢/۴٨۵to ۴ port RS۴٨۵ HUB


Introduction:SW۴۴٨۵ is a RS-۴٨۵ bus segmentation HUB, specially designed for conforming to RS-۴٨۵’s large-scale system requirements under the complex electromagnetic environment. Its supporting transmission rates reach up to ١١۵.٢Kbps. It adopts transparent transmission in both directions. It can convert ١ RS-۴٨۵ or RS-٢٣٢ to ۴ RS-۴٨۵, or transparently transmit any intersected RS-۴٨۵ signal to RS-۴٨۵ or RS-٢٣٢ on PC. Each RS-۴٨۵ port of its lower position controller has reverse fault alarm and protection function, through which,the network reliability of RS-۴٨۵ has been improved, and the maintenance time of network has been shortened efficiently. In order to ensure the safety and reliability of data communication, the RS-۴٨۵ interfaces of SW۴۴٨۵ are supplied with ٢KVAC isolation protection, ٣ levels of ESD protection and ٢ levels of electrostatic radiation protection; they can prevent lighting, common ground and radiated interference, safe and reliable, are suitable for outdoor application.SW۴۴٨۵ also provide star-RS۴٨۵ BUS connection. Users can easily improve the RS-۴٨۵ BUS structure, split network segment. You can design a unique and reliable RS-۴٨۵ system through making reasonable use of SW۴۴٨۵.SW۴۴٨۵ adopts EMC protection design, supports wall-mounting and panel-mounting installation, and can be used at the harsh environment from -۴۰℃ to ٨۵℃.

٢٢۰۶۴۰١۵ (٩٨٢١+)
٢٢١۴٧٩٨۵ (٩٨٢١+)
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